Thursday, March 15, 2012

Architectonic Sculpture

This structure was influenced by modern architecture and biomorphic qualities. Its serial planes are stacked up one on top of each other to create a visual upside down cone. It plays with the idea of balance while challenging gravitation pull. With its largest plane being on the very top of the sculpture it created gradation and pattern. The thin lines on the very top of the form are very organic and loose, which are reminiscent of human rib cages or ribbed vaulting in Gothic architecture. I wanted to play with the scale and create a more dynamic composition by increasing the scale of the planes as they were getting taller in space. This way it allowed me to design bigger “rib cages” on top of the serial plane to make the piece visually strong and unified with the masculine and delicate qualities. Because, of the open design, one can look through the architectonic sculpture from several different angles and see that it also interacts with light and shadow by creating linear lines from the reflection of the positive and negative spaces.

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