Thursday, March 15, 2012

Animal/Creature Sculpture

The animal form had to be experienced with materials first. The foam core material itself guided my process of what I could do and what had to be resolved and changed to accomplish the initial idea I had for the elephant sculpture. The moquette had been a terrific way of experimenting with the material and processing my ideas in a three dimensional nature. It showed me the possibilities of multiple shaped polygons that could be transformed into a representational form with gradating scale of the object defining its volume. By creating a void inside of the elephant, one can view the object’s skeleton structure, the outside and the concavity of the inside working composition. The hollow space opened up the piece and created a stronger visual interest as well as making it seem lighter but with a solid, interacted and slotted compositional pieces. It resulted in some problems solving techniques but overall the repetitive nature of the piece infused the object with rhythm and visual push and pull dynamic of constructed material and airy design.

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