Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bristol Silhouette

Problem solving has been challenging because paper is not fabric and it has its own personality, so to force it to move and fold like fabric is impossible. I have tried to master different ways of constructing the garment and have decided to create a base with protruding side hips and slimed down skirt as it goes to the floor.

Letting the bristol paper speak to me and guide me instead of pushing it into a mold that it does not want to work in, it will benefit the piece much better and help me keep the look cleanly constructed, instead of crumpled and tearing because there is so much tension.

To combine the pieces I will use a white string, that way it will blend in and would look seamless.

Art to Wear: Fashion Piece

I got really inspired by this idea of accentuating the hips and making it into a paper dress that could be sculptural but cleanly designed to convey the message of women's hips and its issues in a more positive outlook.

Lately the area around the hips has been prominent in the fashion design, where before women always tended to hide their curves and feel ashamed of them. I feel these images are very inspiring not only from a design point of view but also from a female perspective, which encourages females to love their bodies.